Thursday, May 31, 2012

Querido Tommy

Do you know who Tommy Torres is?

Besides from being quite handsome....   Tommy Torres is a very talented individual, originally from Puerto Rico.  He is a singer, songwriter and producer! (not to mention a Grammy Winner!  Que talento!)

Are you a romantic at heart?  Get ready to get week in the knees...
So this guy Paco,  had trouble finding the right words to express his love to a certain girl. He sent Tommy Torres a letter asking his advice on what to say.  Do you want to know what Tommy's advice to Paco was?

Take a look at his new song and see.

Did you expect that?  I didn't!   Looks like Paco had the answer all along.
How cool that Tommy answered Paco and in a song none the less!  This song is just cool all the way around!

For those who may not understand Spanish, click here for the English translation of the lyrics.

I wonder if Tommy will answer me???
I'm going to give it a try...

Querido Tommy,
Soy una romantica y me encanta la nueva cancion.
Me gustaria escucharte cantar "Querido Tommy" en vivo por el proximo #TommyTwitcam.
Lo puedes hacer?  Porfavor.  Para mi...

Dear Tommy,
I'm a romantic and I love the new song.
I'd really like to hear you sing "Querido Tommy" live on the next #TommyTwitcam.
Can you do it?  Please.  For me...

Feel free to help mi out amigos/as.  Tweet @Tommy_Torres please sing #Querido Tommy for us live on the next  #TommyTwitcam.   


  1. OMG!! I LOVE Tommy Torres!! and what he did just makes him more awesome!! :)

    1. Isn't he awesome! I love what he did too, MJ! Thanks for commenting!

  2. I have never heard of him before and boy is he cute!!! I love the song, the video...everything! I asked my husband if he had heard of "Tommy Torres" and he just shook his head. I'm going to have to check him out! Thanks Tara! :)

    1. Jackie,
      Isn't the video great? I love it because it is great for people learning to read and write in Spanish (although I'm sure a Spanish lesson is not suppose to be the purpose of the video....) Yep! He's pretty cute!!!! Glad you're going to check him out.

  3. Que chida es la canción.
